Kangana Ranaut just became the highest paid actress in Bollywood as her signing amount for the Jayalalithaa biopic, tentatively titled Jaya, is a whopping 24 Crores. The actress has zoomed past Deepika Padukone, who was earlier Bollywood’s highest paid actress when she charged 15 Crores for Padmaavat.
Kangana’s other contemporaries, such as Kareena Kapoor Khan charged 10 Crores for Veere Di Wedding. Whereas Priyanka Chopra Jonas asked for nearly 6.5 Crores for Bharat, a film she later quit.
Amongst Kangana’s upcoming films, Jaya is a highly anticipated project. She is reportedly learning Tamil also to further get into the skin of her character. She said:
The scenes will be in Tamil, and I will learn the language to understand the character better and feel closer to her. I will begin my language classes once I honour my commitments to Panga and Mental Hai Kya.
After Manikarnika, Kangana was supposed to begin her own biopic but she delayed it in order to do the South Indian actress-turned-politician’s biopic. She found it more appealing than telling her own struggle story:
I see parallels with my own journey in hers, but her success story is much bigger than mine. In the first narration itself, I could see myself doing the part because it came naturally to me. I could have gone ahead with my own biopic, but this was much more enticing.
Kangana deserves every bit of financial and professional success. She has very well earned her position of power in the industry.
The post Did Kangana Ranaut Just Become The Highest Paid Actress In Bollywood? is copyright of MissMalini.
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