Hollywood director Chuck Russell’s first film in Bollywood, Junglee, starring Vidyut Jammwal, Pooja Sawant and Asha Bhatt hit the theatres last Friday. Produced by Vineet Jain’s Junglee Pictures and Priti Shahani, Junglee has Vidyut performing some mesmerizing stunts. The story revolves around him as his elephant Bhola who he wants to reunite with as he spent his childhood in an elephant reserve owned by his dad. The film opened well at the box-office as it earned Rs 3.35 crore on Friday, the numbers went up on Saturday as the film earned Rs 4.45 crore, while on Sunday Junglee collected Rs 6.05 crore at the box-office.
The total amount is Rs 13.85 crore in just three days. The pace at which the film is performing at the box-office, it is sure to have a handsome collection at the cash counters by the end of this week. We are eager to find out if the film will pass the Monday test as it would give a better idea of the collection that would take place during the weekdays. Well, keep watching this space for more box-office updates.
from filmfares https://ift.tt/2CMCOj9
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