Nowadays films don’t only have to go under scrutiny by the CBFC but are sometimes reprimanded for content by the public on social media. Several films like Padmaavat, Sanju, Udta Punjab and many more have come under the public eye. Be it for the use of strong language or focusing on a particular caste or religious sect. Falling prey to the same, Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao’s Mental Hai Kya faced the wrath of the people because of its name. Following the release of the motion poster, The Indian Psychotic Society slammed the makers with a notice pointing out the use of the word “mental” and how it can be discriminating for the people who are suffering from mental challenges.

Reacting to the same, Kangana Ranaut’s sister took to twitter to issue a statement explaining the controversy. She posted, "On behalf of Kangana all I want to say is that everyone will be proud of ‘Mental Hai Kya’ the topic and subject she has chosen will trigger relevant talk and discussions around the stigma.”
Rajkummar Rao, too had earlier spoken about the film and said, “It’s an amazing script as it is a very quirky and different comedy. Kangana is such a powerhouse performer and we are coming together after Queen along with Ekta Kapoor (producer) so it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

from filmfares http://bit.ly/2PnZ73s
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