There’s a lot of excitement among fans to watch Kangana Ranaut in the role of Jayalalithaa biopic. Earlier there were reports that Tumhari Sulu actress Vidya Balan was first approached to essay the role of the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister. However, denying all such rumours now is film’s producer Shaailesh R Singh who says there’s no truth to it.
He said, “As a producer, I never approached her (Vidya Balan) and I can say this on the record. I know the news emerged that she was doing the film, but when our writer KV Vijayendra Prasad narrated the story to me, I felt Kangana was the right casting for the role. So as producer and Vijayendra as a writer did not approach anyone else. If anyone else before us had approached any other actress, I am not aware of that. With the new team of producer, director and writer, it has been mutually decided that Kangana will play Jayalalithaa,”
The biopic will be made in Hindi and Tamil languages and will be helmed by AL Vijay. It’s being named ‘Thalaiva’ in Tamil and ‘Jaya’ in Hindi.
Recently when Vidya was asked to comment on Kangana starring in the film, the actress had said, “I am happy that Kangana is doing it and I will leave it at that. I just think that playing two politicians, who are both strong women, wouldn't have been possible,”
Stay tuned for more.
from filmfares
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