Cameran Eubanks is happy being a mother of one, but her husband Jason Wimberly would like to grow their family by one.
“I think he would have more. I think he would love to have a boy,” the 35-year-old Southern Charm star says, speaking with PEOPLE at BravoCon on Friday. “But I know if I got pregnant I would have another girl.”
Eubanks says that taking care of two-year-old daughter Palmer Corinne is enough for her.
“I think one is all I can handle. I have the self-awareness to know that I can be a really good mother to one, not sure if I could be a really good mother to more than one,” she says.
“Everyone says like, ‘Oh well don’t you want to give her a sibling?’ And I’m like, ‘I want to give her a sane mother,’” Eubanks continued, adding that Wimberly “supports” her stance on more kids.
“He supports it,” she says. “He’s the love of my life.”
Eubanks is throwing Palmer a birthday party Saturday and also revealed to PEOPLE about the Minnie Mouse-themed fete.
“I hoped that she would not become obsessed with princesses, because I hate the princess mentality, I hate it,” Eubanks says. “I think it’s so stupid.”
But luckily, Palmer’s “first character obsession was Minnie Mouse,” and for the party, the toddler is “going to wear the ears and everything.”
RELATED: Cameran Eubanks Says You Can’t ‘Have It All’ as a Mom: We ‘Have to Shatter the Myth’
As for what Eubanks is gifting her daughter?
“The Barbie Jeep I never had,” Eubanks reveals.
“I wanted a Barbie Jeep, but my parents lied and said that Santa didn’t make them, because they were just cheap and didn’t want to buy it,” she says, adding that she’s “going to make up for it” by getting Palmer one.
Back in May, the reality star opened up to PEOPLE about motherhood, admitting that “you have to shatter the myth that you can have it all.”
“I have gone back to work. I’m working probably 30 percent of what I was … as a mother, you have to shatter the myth that you can have it all. You really can’t,” the real estate broker said. “Unless you are extremely privileged and have the means to — which, I mean, could I afford a live-in nanny? I could. I don’t want to.”
“But you are always gonna have to sacrifice something,” she said. “For me, it’s having to learn to sacrifice a lot of my independence and what I want to do. Ideally, I’d like to work and make money all day and then be with my child, but you can’t. You literally can’t have both.”
View this post on Instagram The terrible twos have started a bit early. While this age can be a trying time it’s also been my favorite so far. One minute she’s screaming bloody murder because I won’t let her pick up dog poop and the next she’s hugging my neck saying “luh yew Mama”. I kinda act this way too when I have PMS….and while I’m here, is it me or is PMS SO much worse after you have a kid? God Bless Jason.God Bless Women.
A post shared by Cameran Eubanks (@camwimberly1) on Oct 6, 2019 at 3:43pm PDT
RELATED: Cameran Eubanks Reveals Daughter Will Get No Presents from Santa This Year: ‘She Has Enough’
“When I’m with Palmer she has all my attention,” Eubanks continued. “With real estate, there’s no real set schedules, so a lot of times you might have paperwork that may be due and you just have to find time to do it. It’s very hard to do that when you have a toddler in your house.”
“It’ll be easier when she’s in school full time, but she’s not at the moment,” she explained.
But despite the trickiness of balancing work and mothering schedules, Eubanks knows that she’s lucky.
“People will say you’re ungrateful. I have run into that. I’ve gotten some kickback,” she said. “I totally get it from women who have struggled to have children and would give anything to have a child, and they can’t. So that makes me kind of rein myself back in and say, ‘Shut the f— up, Cameran. You’ve got it good.’“
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