for everyone else. (3) Trust in the fact that if you somehow run out of toilet paper, a friendly neighbor would find a way to safely deliver you some.”
Dr. Oz also reminded his fans and followers to “stay calm” amid the global pandemic.
“And if it really came to it, our ancestors survived without TP. This is my way of telling you to stay calm and keep your head down. We’ve faced plenty of challenges before, and we’ll figure this one out too,” he concluded.
Around the country, stores are struggling to keep their toilet paper in stock. A Whole Foods supermarket in Somerville, Massachusetts, limited shoppers to two packages of toilet paper each, the New York Times reported, a move that is being adopted by more stores around the nation.
Psychologist Mary Alvord, who is also an associate professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the George Washington University School of Medicine, told TIME that this panic buying can be explained by people’s desire for a sense of comfort amid the chaos.
“There is comfort in knowing that it’s there,” Alvord said. “We all eat and we all sleep and we all poop. It’s a basic need to take care of ourselves.”
Worldwide, there are now 173,293 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 6,649 deaths.
The first cases of a mysterious respiratory illness — what is now known as COVID-2019, a form of coronavirus — began in Wuhan, China in late December. Since then, the virus has spread worldwide, leading the World Health Organization to declare a public health emergency, the first since the zika epidemic in 2016.
RELATED: See How People Around the World Are Coping During the Coronavirus Outbreak
At first, this coronavirus was contained to China, but Wuhan is a major transportation hub with hundreds of flights leaving and landing from the city of 11 million each day. Soon, as people flew from the area to different countries, the coronavirus reached more countries, including the United States.
As of Monday morning, there are at least 3,602 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S., and 66 people have died.
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