So, Avengers: Endgame is finally here! After a decade of wait, the movie that ties up the entire Infinity Gauntlet arc for the MCU has arrived. While we’re sure that what happened in Infinity War is still pretty fresh in the minds of fans of the series, we’ll just give you a quick rundown on what happened: Thanos snapped half of the entire universe out of existence. Now the remaining Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and their new BFF Captain Marvel must join forces with whatever – and whomever – they have at their disposal to right Thanos’ wrongs.

The question that stands now is that does it live up to the hype? Does it manage to be a fitting end to ten years of storytelling and is it a fitting farewell to our favourite superhero squad? Well, we list 5 reasons why you should defiantly not miss out on this epic finale.

1. It’s Captain America’s movie and boy does Chris Evan own it
If Tony Stark was at the forefront of the action in the previous instalments of the film, then Endgame, in many ways, is Captain America’s time to shine. Although the rest of the Avengers, including the news additions to the team, get a decent screen time, the heart and soul of this movie belongs to Chris Evans, who takes Captain America’s character and knocks it out of the park. In the last 8 years, he has grown a lot more into the character which is pretty evident in Endgame as he manages to hit every note right. Even though his character is not known for its humour, Evans does treat you with some pretty genuine laughs both in jokes he delivers and one small running joke aimed at him. Simply put, Evans owns Endgame. He’s the glue that holds the movie together and if he were a slightest bit off his game, Endgame simply would not have worked.

2. Filled with moments that every fanboy wanted to see
Normally, in movies some scenes seem forced just because they might please the audience and don’t add to the story in anyway. But, even though Avengers: Endgame is filled with moments that fans would love to see, but – and this is the important part – it all works. They all naturally weave in the storyline that’s been building up since a decade.

3. The perfect balance (Just the way Thanos would want it)
We’re not underestimating the job done by the Russo brothers have done in the Avenger series so far. The MCU is like an entire chess board of pieces to move around in terms of plot points and characters. However, they still always maintained a balance. However, unlike so many other Marvel movies, Avengers: Endgame truly felt like an end… because it actually was. Storylines come to their conclusion, loose ends were tied up and snipped off neatly. People we love were lost and will not come back. With this film, they also showed us that the future of MCU is in good hands. The idea and possibilities that they plant through the film are exciting and will ensure Marvel fans that they have a lot to look forward to.

4. Exceptional performances by the entire cast
The Avengers that made it out of Infinity War alive have survivor’s remorse, and like Tony says in the film – “resentment is corrosive.” That guilt plays a part in every decision they make hoping that they can turn around what went wrong. The cast does an impressive job of portraying that in the film especially Scarlett Johansson, Chrises Evans and Chris Hemsworth, and Robert Downer Jr. And as exceptionally the cast handles moments of drama and tension, they are equally good in scenes which require their comic timing to be on point.

5. It’s more than just awesome stunts
While the battle to undo all that Thanos did is one filled with epic set moments, Avengers: Endgame isn’t driven by them or even relies on them. Rather its, more about the drama that comes with grief and redemption of the events that occurred in Infinity wars. Even if you take away all the cgi and action sequences, the film still works because actually its biggest strength our its characters. Earth’s mightiest heroes are broken, not sprained — they’ve lost before but never really suffered loss. Not like this. And now, they’re willing to throw everything they have to stand a chance at turning it around. With over a decade’s worth of storylines and characters, the makers do a good job at reeling your interest in the film completely. Joe Russo from the film’s director duo of Russo brothers spoke about how the expectations from the film didn’t bother them as they have belief in their work. They said, “Well, we’ve always said from the beginning, we’ve always said you need real stakes. We have a firm belief that stories and characters have value because there’s a real risk and a real jeopardy to what they are. So we have that that principal is fully at work and Endgame. And it’s called Endgame for a reason. And we only stuck around to do these two movies because they wanted to tell an ending story and we feel like nothing has value unless it has an ending. And we were excited by that. We were excited by the fact that like, you know, for a commercial movie, probably the most risky thing down in the history of commercial movies is most expensive movie ever made and we kill half the characters at the end of the movie, you know, that’s, it’s crazy. But they allowed us to do it and then we’re going to make equally challenging choices in an Endgame. But I think that’s why we’re here. And that’s why we stuck around.”

from filmfares http://bit.ly/2ZC5Dso
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